
Monday, November 7, 2011

Interview with Bob Gurnsey

SPbTV had the rare opportunity this summer to interview the man who started paintball... Bob Gurnsey.

He attended the Black Market War: Forgotten War, held at Paintball Sports Inc. in Plattekill, NY, USA. After the match, Benny and Misfit sat down with him for nearly an hour and discussed the history of paintball, Bob's involvement, the personal costs of pioneering the sport and also the joys it has brought him to see it grow.

Most of SPbTV with Bob Gurnsey, August 2011.

It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and a great honor to be able to have an hour of Bob's time and really sit down and have an honest (sometimes painfully so) Q&A about paintball. 

Thank you to Bob, from all of us at SPbTV and the viewers whose questions you tackled. 

Adam has condensed the interview into two Youtube clips which are available below. 

Part 1.

Part 2.

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